AI in Agriculture, Business, Land-use and Planning
Needing To Understand What AI Is All About?
Like most senior decision-makers in agriculture you may feel that AI technology has evolved faster than anyone could reasonably keep up with. This is completely natural—AI technology leaders are describing seeing further capabilities appearing literally every week.
That's why we've designed our 2.5 hour presentation specifically for directors and managers in agriculture who need a good strategic understanding of AI, rather than any specific technical expertise. You and your colleagues will need no prior AI knowledge—we aim to move participants from limited AI exposure to the enabling of assured strategic decision-making.
Seizing the AI Opportunities
At the crux of deploying AI is increased productivity for all businesses, teams and individuals. Work gets done faster - often phenomenally so - and in some use cases is done better.
Already AI adoption brings numerous benefits to businesses yet there is much, much more to come. Since early 2023 performance of platforms has shown an exponential increase with just last week a study showing the latest platform outperforming PhDs in their own fields. At this level of innate ability it is inevitable that AI will be a core part of every business infrastructure.

Peter Gill
Managing Director

Acquiring the Big Picture
You and/or colleagues may have looked at, or be using, the best-known AI system, the free version of ChatGPT. But do you know there are over 20 other state-of-the-art AI systems? We shall examine the optimal system choices for business areas and functions with other important topics in the bespoke-for-agriculture AI presentation including:
Knowing how farmers are starting to make use of AI on-farm.
Identifying priority areas for immediate deployment.
A full run-down on data security protocols when using AI.
Establishing in-house guard-rails and management oversight best practices.
Learning about developing bespoke in-house solutions. (A fast growing new area.)
Formulating a company learning strategy for keeping across new advances.
Embedding the adoption of AI as must-have future-proofing for the business.
‘Wow’ summarises the feedback from previous participants in our AI for business presentations and training courses. Some individual comments - drawn from anonymously-gathered feedback - are:
‘AI is and will be life-changing’
‘AI can be used for so many things’
‘Very inspiring speaker’
‘The possibilities are endless’
‘We need to be using it’
Logistics and Approach
A bit like learning a language, subject immersion through a combination of learning and practical use is the sure path to gaining full competence and expertise in using AI.
Our presentation on AI for business for senior management comprises 2.5 hours of mixed format presentation that may be delivered in your offices or at a nearby venue convenient for your team. And understanding that currently many managers have limited knowledge of AI we take the ‘there are no stupid questions’ approach to ensure everyone is at ease from the start.
Organising Your AI Event
Email us at ai@social-farmers.com, or call me on 01755 216 4548, to discuss your specific requirements and we will be pleased to provide further information including prices.